Friday, December 19, 2008


She waited. Pretending not to see him. Hoping her desire for his company swelled through her pores, there was no doubt that it coursed through her veins. She heard the deep step of his motorcycle boots against the cheap tile as he advanced in her direction; noting again how it was sort of funny that he didn't actually own a motorcycle.
She couldn't help but look as he entered her aura of space, nor could she keep from smiling when their eyes met. He wasn't classically attractive, but there wqs something about him that always struck her as beautiful.
She felt the brush of his facial hair against her skin as he bent to kiss her forehead, his handsome cologne caressed her senses, coaxing into dormancy her previous frustration with him.
"Hello, darling." He smiled, settling into the chair across from her. He took a deep draught from the steaming mug before him. "How was work?"

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